Fund for public transport
Since tickets for public transport in Tyrol and especially in Innsbruck are much more expensive for students over 26 than for students under 27, we will support you with a 10% subsidy for your public transport ticket.
You can find out which requirements you have to fulfil and which tickets are eligible for funding in our mobility funding guidelines. Simply send your application to and we will get back to you. You can bring the original invoice, your enrolment confirmation and the receipt for the paid ticket to our office during office hours, send it by post or drop it directly into our post box (Kaiserjägerstraße 1, passage from SOWI to Kaiserjägerstraße).

Contact person for the mobility fund
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Sometimes everyone needs support. We offer our students a wide variety of options regarding financial aid. On the one hand, regular projects finance team events of year- or study programs. On the other hand, special projects finance more significant events and initiatives. There is also the social fund for social hardship cases, which covers a wide range of topics from child care to psychotherapy. Finally, there is also the mobility fund, which supports students over the age of 26 in Tyrol with the payment of public transport tickets.